Category: Uncategorized

  • Heavy Fog, Cold, Gotta Bike…

    Heavy Fog, Cold, Gotta Bike…

    I just spent 5.5 hours on the bike. And it must have been 40 degrees when I started at 9am and by the time I was done I was pretty frozen. How dedicated I am! …Or crazy… I was totally amazed at the number of runner out there wearing nothing but a t-shirt and shorts.…

  • M2: My Ironman Coach

    M2: My Ironman Coach

    Mike McCormack has been instrumental in getting me to perform better than ever before. I highly recommend his training at M2: His general philosophy is one of quality versus quantity, and judicious use of periodization and interval training to improve fitness and performance. Amazingly, most of his bike training is indoors on a computrainer…

  • Training Training Training

    Training Training Training

    In 2002, I got into triathlons with Team in Training. Since then I have been racing continuously every year. What a necessary component in my life! Going through all my life changes, I needed a way to release stress and to be able to “void” my brain for long periods of time. Training was perfect…