Nutrition Talks at!

This summer I reached out to Menloswim to see if I could do some informative talks around nutrition. Thankfully, Tim Sheeper agreed!

Last month, I spoke about sugar, a topic that is pretty important hot these days, and especially for parents.

Talking about sugar not being so sweet!

Sugar has been linked to many chronic diseases. It’s found in nearly all processed foods, and then some. Marketing drives sugar as does industry lobbies on sugar’s health aspects. Just say no! I am certain you will find immediate benefits by abstaining.

I always try to provide materials to download later; here is a link to the dropbox folder on additional materials on sugar.

This last week I did a talk on Healthy Habits for Weight Loss. Instead of focusing on what to eat, I talked about what are all the other factors that can stop fat loss in its tracks, even if your diet is good.

It’s not all about the food you eat!

Too stressed out? Getting enough sleep? How are you eating exactly – shoveling food in your mouth with no awareness of why or when to stop? These are things that can derail an otherwise good diet plan.

Here is a link to the dropbox folder on additional materials regarding healthy habits. Lots of activities and tips to play with!

The next talk up is on nutrition and other factors relating to performance and recovery on August 22. It should be a good one!

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